The Redstone Center submitted testimony to the DC Council urging inclusion of a health equity framework as one of the Comprehensive Plan's "Guiding Principles."
The Redstone Center submitted testimony to the DC Council urging inclusion of a health equity framework as one of the Comprehensive Plan's "Guiding Principles."
On April 9, 2019, Bill Dietz delivered testimony before DC Council’s Committee of the Whole.
Leading Voices in Food Podcast featuring Bill Dietz on Obesity, Undernutrition & Climate Change
In February 2019, Bill Dietz, Redstone Center Chair, joined Kelly Brownell for Episode 27 of the Leading Voices in Food Podcast.
With Redstone Center Support, New Legislation Passes to Increase Physical Activity for DC Students
In December 2018, DC Council passed legislation to ensure students in DC public schools will soon have more time for play and physical activity.
Wendy Ellis Honored with 2018 Aspen Institute Ascend Fellowship
Wendy Ellis, project director and co-principal investigator at Building Community Resilience, has been selected as a 2018 Aspen Institute Ascend Fellow.
Jeff Hild delivered Redstone Center testimony before the DC Council Committee on Health in support of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Act.
On April 24th, the Redstone Center submitted testimony to the DC Council in support of the Healthy Students Amendments Act.
Redstone Faculty Urge DC Council Committee on Health to Pass Health Impact Assessment Law
On April 23, 2019, Jeff Hild, Policy Director at the Redstone Center, provided testimony to the Council’s Committee on Health,
Jeff Hild and Olga Acosta Price submitted joint testimony to DC Council in support of the “Student Fair Access to School Act.”
On March 15, 2019, the School of Public Health faculty and staff submitted a public comment to the US Department of Agriculture.