Obesity May Impact Mortality in COVID-19 Patients
Obesity may be a risk factor in deaths caused by COVID-19.
Obesity May Impact Mortality in COVID-19 Patients
Obesity may be a risk factor in deaths caused by COVID-19.
Pair of ACEs Tree Passes 30K Downloads
ACEs are recognized in clinical, educational and social service settings as having negative outcomes and impacting a person’s wellbeing and health.
Redstone Center Comments on Proposed USDA School Meal Nutrition Standards
The Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service.
New Consensus Statement on Weight Bias
This month the Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness joined leading experts, clinicians and advocates from across the world.
On February 26, the Building Community Resilience Collaborative and Network released their latest resource for the field.
Redstone Center Testifies in Support of DC Food Waste Proposal
Dr. Bill Dietz provided testimony to the DC City Council Committee on Transportation and and the Environment.
Commission on Obesity Report Ranked as One of the Top 100 Academic Papers in 2019
A recent report by The Lancet Commission on Obesity is ranked one of the top 100 academic papers for 2019.
Protecting the Health of All Residents: A Sugary Drink Excise Tax in DC
On October 8, 2019, members representing a majority of the DC City Council introduced new legislation to implement an excise tax on sugary drinks.
Redstone Center Comments on Healthy People 2030 Objectives
On January 15, 2019, the Redstone Center submitted a public comment to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Wendy Ellis, Daniel Chen, and Caitlin Murphy presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.