January 2017, the Redstone Center Pilot Program grants were awarded to Uriyoán Colón-Ramos and Kim Robien. Along with the award, both investigators become Redstone fellows. The Pilot Program selections support and promote the work of early-career investigators and provide pilot data for applications to NIH and other funding sources. Colón-Ramos' project will provide proof of concept and preliminary data for on the feasibility and acceptability of a 12-week intervention to increase water consumption and reduce sugar sweetened beverage intake among Latino children enrolled in a home-visiting program in three local early childhood education centers. Robien will collect feasibility data on the ability to recruit and retain female college students with overweight / obesity in a 10-week weight loss an phthalate exposure reduction intervention trial and determine the extend to which a phthalate exposure reduction intervention strategy combining diet and personal care product changes can alter urinary phthalate levels.