The Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness is focused on the identification of effective nutrition and physical activity strategies that improve the prevention and management of obesity and other chronic related diseases. Improving the health of the District of Columbia, with particular attention to health inequities, is a major goal of the Center. We are particularly interested in research and policy that furthers the goals of equity and dismantling racist systems, structures, and practices related to chronic disease prevention. To continue this work, our pilot funds are open to investigators whose proposals are directed toward reducing disparities in chronic diseases within the DC metropolitan area. Proposed projects can include policy initiatives. To learn more about the Redstone Global Center’s commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization please visit
To foster these efforts, the Center’s 2020 grant program will fund pilot projects within the Milken Institute School of Public Health, the GWU School of Medicine, or the GWU School of Nursing. The goal of the pilot grant is to enhance the likelihood that the PI will obtain funding from NIH or other funders. Grants involving cross-disciplinary Co-Principal Investigators either within the Schools or University and community are encouraged. One to three grants will be funded in each year’s funding cycle. Priority will be given to new investigators to encourage their engagement in the Center’s goals. The full RFA and additional details can be found here.